Ambassador Theatres i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanAmbassador Theatres


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88, Chengdu Road, 10845, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2361 1222
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Latitude: 25.0429801, Longitude: 121.5046461

kommentar 5

  • Jisties Boonyobol

    Jisties Boonyobol


    Large theater and comfortable. Sound is very clear and good. Recommended here to watch movie.

  • Yang Goufang

    Yang Goufang


    Sound quality fantastic. With many credit card coupons.

  • en

    Devon Bailey


    Great cinema. Staff were super informative and on the ball regarding their job. Was able to give me exact info and explain seating plan without me even needing to look at the plan Able to tell me which shows and which timings were in English / Chinese, and even informed me about different halls and their pros/cons

  • Jia-Hong shyu

    Jia-Hong shyu


    It is a really cenima, big sceen is tge best

  • Steven Born

    Steven Born


    I'm not a movie theater snob, but I liked this one. good really big screen. Might be the biggest screen in Taipei.

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