Canadian Trade Office in Taipei i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanCanadian Trade Office in Taipei



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1號6樓, Songzhi Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 8723 3000
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0385968, Longitude: 121.566127

kommentar 5

  • Sogo Chao

    Sogo Chao


    Love canada

  • Chris Brown

    Chris Brown


    Renewed a passport a few weeks ago. Very friendly and professional service.

  • Wayne Hitchcock

    Wayne Hitchcock


    Staff was very friendly. I wanted my new passport mailed to me, but didn't have a stamp. The lady I dealt with offered to go buy the stamp for me. BE WARNED: Make sure you take a stamp with you if you want your new passport mailed to you.

  • en

    Jeffrey Gamble


    I've been there three or four times. The security guards (hired locals with a vague grasp of English, but no French) are generally useless. The case officers who deal with renewals are generally very friendly, efficient, and helpful. I arranged an envelope for new passport delivery in advance (more expensive, but faster). The website mentions 60 NTD worth of stamps, but that information can vary. Change was also readily provided since I did not have exact change. Positives: excellent service by actual consular staff, comfortable waiting area, speed of service (edit: renewed passport arrived about two weeks earlier than expected) Negatives: useless security guards, hassle of traveling to Taipei, ONLY morning hours, obtuse website with vague and inconsistent directions (edit: the guards are still clueless and useless, where do they find these fools?)

  • Navid Hoorzad

    Navid Hoorzad


    Our embassy is a f'n joke compared to all others. I've been living in Taipei for almost 2 years and the one time i ever called to get some help they just told me "google it and see if you can find anything".... what a dam joke. And my questions was a pretty simple one, is their a check list for Canadians that have been living/working in Taiwan that are returning back?

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