Carnegie's Taipei i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanCarnegie's Taipei



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100, Section 2, Anhe Road, 106, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2325 4433
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0284882, Longitude: 121.5499694

kommentar 5

  • Samantha Simile

    Samantha Simile


    The food at Carnegie's is always great, especially if you're looking for a good place for a nice western meal. They have great events, a good atmosphere, and they are very open to fun nights and shows. There are great specials for holidays. We went there for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful American-style meal that reminded me of the kind of food I'd eat back at home. We've also seen a lot of great shows there including drag shows and live music.

  • Trent Prestegar

    Trent Prestegar


    One of the few bars open all day on weekend. Happy hour all day Sundays and super cheap 100nt drinks 5-6 every day. Other than that, it's pretty pricey and the clientele tends to be on the older side.

  • Jonathan Cowling

    Jonathan Cowling


    Good food and drinks. They have a crazy hour between 6 and 7 PM where beers (and selected drinks) are 99 NTD. One of the better happy hours in Taipei. Wednesday nights is the party night and it closes really late. Also have a decent business lunch special starting from 250 NTD for starters, mains and a drink.

  • en

    X Le Guide


    Hey! This is an EZ hunt for the self-deceiving ambiguous relationships in Asia. Unspoken rules are well defined by bartenders∼ No one wants to offer free psychological consulting; the more you get drunk, the more "not-a-news" for tomorrow's gossips∼ Your misery is just one of the pages in observers' notebooks. Think before you are ready to be drunk∼ cheap and affordable place!

  • en

    James Smith


    Went for the first time yesterday for Christmas dinner. Location is a bit far away from the MRT but the food and atmosphere more than make up for that. Only sour point was you need to serve your own water. Be aware the portion sizes are HUGE so make sure you've got an empty belly before you go!

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