Carrefour JingGuo Store i Taoyuan City

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TaiwanCarrefour JingGuo Store



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369, Jingguo Road, 330, Taoyuan City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 316 0676
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Latitude: 25.0158476, Longitude: 121.304966

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edwin Rollins


    This is one of the outlet mall in in taiwan. This was a 3 or 4 story mall with all your favorite stores like adidas rebox puma just to name a few. Lots of food and a auto repair center on the top floor.

  • T D

    T D


    One of the biggest department stores in the city. Generally easy to find items. Plenty of XL and XXL men's clothing. Some pants up to 42" waist. Only caveat is the food court. Even going solo, it can be impossible to find a seat during the rush. Stake out a seat BEFORE ordering, or you may end up a little embarrassed.

  • Graham Byers

    Graham Byers


    I really gotta say, this place was nothing short of exhilarating. I went in looking for ingredients to make mulled wine and walked out with two bottles of wine and this orange. The orange still had a leaf... And they put a sticker on it, too! Me and the orange have been going steady for some time now.

  • en

    Maria Carina Chen


    So convenient to do shopping and grocery here! You can find almost anything you need in this awesome place! Great products, service and the varieties of food in the restaurants are really delectable! 😍

  • en

    Jihyun Hwang


    Here is very convenience. There is Electronic things, books, clothes etc in 1st floor. You can buy fresh grocery on basement. They sell sports item at low price on 2nd floor. And you can eat something.

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