Carrefour Zhonghe i New Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanCarrefour Zhonghe



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295號, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, 235, New Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 8245 5566
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0020408, Longitude: 121.4959698

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alonzo Sotelo


    This is not a bad Carrefour, but the one closer to Ximen, and even the Carrefour closer to Shilin Market offers more of the items we are looking for, proximity helps us when we are around but for us it is an ok Carrefour, but the other two works better for us.

  • Jason Tseng

    Jason Tseng


    It has all stuff for your daily life at fair price, although vegetables are not as fresh as conventional market, even PX mart.

  • Pauli Keipi

    Pauli Keipi


    A “mini” carrefour, has everything you need, with a bakery and those great whole roasted chickens. I was pleasantly surprised. Misc goods might not be stored here though

  • en

    Pascal Yang


    Renovations in 2017, well lit and spacious aisles. Good selection of imported Japanese, Korean, and French foods. Very good selection of whisky for a supermarket.

  • Jaco-Lize de Bruyn

    Jaco-Lize de Bruyn


    Took forever to explain and get delivery service. One guy was able to help us and he was great. But, the rest of the staff was fairly rude and put out because they had to have some English ability. It also took a long time before they were willing to check if someone else could help.

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