Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm Hsinchu County, TW

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TaiwanChin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm



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35之1號, 十六張, 306, Hsinchu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 587 0899
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Latitude: 24.7837164, Longitude: 121.1814998

kommentar 5

  • Gavin Yeh

    Gavin Yeh


    Colourful tomatoes, quite amazing and yummy

  • martin Lee

    martin Lee


    One stop shopping for tomato n strawberry picking with rain shelter. Some interesting plants for yours to keep.

  • Victor Gabriel

    Victor Gabriel


    Great Tomato Farm. A bit scarce when we got there to pick up tomatoes from the vines but maybe we came too late. The tomatoes we ordered tasted good. Would definitely try again sometime when I visit Taiwan.

  • Mdm Koo

    Mdm Koo


    When we were there, there wasn't many ripe tomatoes ready to be plucked. Wanted to have a special experience with the girls... they just plucked a few and had more fun trying the testers at the marketplace area. We did enjoy the freshly plucked tomatoes though. Good to come if on the way but nope if you have to detour all the way here just to pluck a few tomatoes. Unless you are ready buy a lot of the yummy fresh tomatoes home. We couldn't as we were still travelling.

  • Agnieszka Tracz

    Agnieszka Tracz


    It's a very neat and well managed farm of mainly tomatoes and strawberries, but today they also had bell peppers, the variety of tomatoes was amazing, you can pick the fruits yourself or buy ready bags. Tomatoes vary between 80 and 150 NTD for Taiwanese jin, not cheap,but the fruits are premium quality and grown with no pesticides and chemicals! Great day out, children friendly.

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