Cinemark i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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138號, Section 4, Bade Road, 105, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 3762 2001
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Latitude: 25.0484949, Longitude: 121.56243

kommentar 5

  • Annie Wang

    Annie Wang


    Reserved seating. Clean theaters. 290NT for adults, 270NT for kids, 145NT for seniors. Watched Incredibles 2 in English. They have English version and Chinese version.

  • Lai Otto

    Lai Otto


    Located at basement of Living Mall, this is a comfy movie theater and above average equipment which can bring you an excellent visual experience. There is also a food court at close proximity.

  • Kuan Chung-hsi

    Kuan Chung-hsi


    Easy--and free, with a ticket stub--parking at Core Pacific makes it a top choice for your moviegoing. The selections of other food, desserts or munches are abundant at the mall, which help make your movie viewing experience pleasant and enjoyable.

  • en

    Arthur Kopec


    In case you get lost trying to find this place in the mall like I did, the actual theater is located in B1. Not crowded and the seats were comfy. If you know your worth, you will purchase a movie ticket and a churro and live like a king for the next two hours.

  • Justin Kwon

    Justin Kwon


    Nice and clean movie theater that does not get crowded like the other movie theaters. They have two variety of popcorn, sweet and salty. The sweet one is a caramel flavoring. Great places to eat downstairs in the food court.

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