Cow On Fire, Argentine Beef i Kaohsiung City

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TaiwanCow On Fire, Argentine Beef



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122, Zhongzheng 3rd Road, 80052, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 235 2000
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Latitude: 22.6313406, Longitude: 120.3053856

kommentar 5

  • en



    Just communicate clearly that you came for the beef and it will be worth a visit.

  • Keili Gunden

    Keili Gunden


    Went here for our anniversary and it was awesome! Couldn't believe how reasonable the prices were for the lovely meal we had. The Sangria was a bit weak, though, and we could have done with a bit more of that tasty chimichurri sauce.

  • John Kim

    John Kim


    Now this is a good place with excellent service and good American Beef, if they only served Aussie Beef, I wouldn’t go there as Aussie Beef tastes like plastic, sorry, but after American Beef nothing compares

  • Desmond Hui

    Desmond Hui


    You really should not compare with the BBQ restaurants in Argentina. There was all you can eat option and meat quality was good. In addition, the service here was really good.

  • en

    Sean Pook


    They've made some effort to decorate the place in line with the theme but then they play r&b music. Drinks came after food was served. The four types of steak, only one had any fat on it. I found this odd as Taiwanese like fatty meat. The accompanying meats were not very tasty. The sangria was overly sweet. It was too hot. Last but not least.... so expensive

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