Daiso i 台北市

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, 南京西路, 104, 台北市, TW
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2561 8733
internet side: www.daiso.com.tw
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Latitude: 25.0524526, Longitude: 121.5221416

kommentar 5

  • Nisa Desti

    Nisa Desti


    You can get everything with 49nt dolar.

  • Jul From

    Jul From


    This shop is ashamed. They're telling everything 39ntd, it's more 49 ntd. And most of the things are more expensive and there are no prices on almost all the expensive products. You can see the price when you arrive to the cashier. They lie and they have no respect for customers.

  • Olivia Gonzalez Yun

    Olivia Gonzalez Yun


    A favorite of mine when looking for inexpensive home decor or small gifts. It's inexpensive and you can find a little of everything: dishes, school supplies, toys, and even Japanese snacks. Only bad thing is that it is often too busy and the line tends to be long

  • Sharon Angela Tanuseputero

    Sharon Angela Tanuseputero


    A must-visit place for those who like organizing and new residents/students in Taipei! Normal price is 49 NT, some special price at 39 NT, or the fancier ones can reach up to 300 NT.. but mostly are 49. Recommended for regular visits 😀

  • Lara Pajunen

    Lara Pajunen


    Please do not leave Taipei without visiting this store! I liked the layout at this location better than at Taipei Main train station, but that's just me. Well organized, clean and tidy and always a long line at checkout, but not to worry, it moves fast! Enjoy!!!

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