Holiday Garden Hotel i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanHoliday Garden Hotel



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279號, Liuhe 2nd Road, 801, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 241 0123
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Latitude: 22.6290501, Longitude: 120.2908714

kommentar 5

  • Aaron Wilson

    Aaron Wilson


    I went for the breakfast and the pool. The pool was closed after 11am even on a public holiday, and the breakfast turned out to be not what I'd hoped based on other people's reviews. The staff were nice, and the lobby looks good. The gym is quiet and the laundry machines were a bonus as was the business room on the 4th floor.

  • Frank Liao

    Frank Liao


    Nice hotel. Pretty clean and the pillows are really soft and nice.

  • Alexander Hunziker

    Alexander Hunziker


    This hotel has basically one thing speaking for it, and that is the pool, which is big enough (and not crowded) for actually swimming laps in peace. We loved starting our days like this. If you care about the pool, come here. Else, you'll probably find better accommodation elsewhere as this place is run off the mill and somewhat run down. The room was fair with the loud AC system being the only real downside. Breakfast is decent.

  • Jack Li

    Jack Li


    Nice place with very good price. Close to the Love River. Walk to the night market in 10 mins.

  • Jonny S

    Jonny S


    Room was clean and comfortable. Staff was super helpful. Pool was nice. Gym decent too. Breakfast had choices and was fine for 2 days. Dim sum at the restaurant was tasty.

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