HOMEHOTEL i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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90, Songren Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 8789 0111
internet side: www.homehotel.com.tw
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Latitude: 25.035148, Longitude: 121.567744

kommentar 5

  • en

    Xiaobei Zhang


    Nice location, very close to 101. Spacious room, wonderful services. The only issue is soundproof of the walls are not good, you can hear people talking in the hallway and traffic outside the window or disco music downstairs every night.

  • en

    Ni Cragnolini


    Very good. Service at breakfast lady is excellent. Friendly and smiles.

  • en

    Christian Davidson


    My wife and I recently stayed here during our stay in Taipei and the hotel was excellent. Friendly, polite staff; breakfast was sufficient (had enough Western options to choose from); hotel was walking distance to Taipei 101 and all of the shops. We would highly recommend Home Hotel to anyone going to Taipei. Thank you, Home Hotel!

  • Matthew Prather

    Matthew Prather


    My room was clean and in good repair. It smelled fresh. The shower was good, though the button that controls whether the water comes from the body sprayer or the rain head was a little loose (I tightened it and it was fine). My room was very quiet at night, though there was a little construction noise in the day from the building site next door. The hotel staff was very friendly and helpful. The breakfast buffet, while a little small, had a good variety of foods, both western and Asian, and everything tasted good. The location is walking distance to many restaurants, and Taipei 101, as well as an MRT station (about 5 minutes). No complaints.

  • en

    Tom Tom


    This is a really great hotel in central Taipei. It’s well located near a shopping district and movie theatre. The hotel has an excellent breakfast buffet. The staff were kind and attentive. Tip: if you’re a gym lover, this hotel has a fantastic arrangement with the gym around the corner which allows its guests to train there for free. The gym is incredible with everything you would need for a workout and opens early at 6am. I will definitely be back.

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