Hotel Del Lago Nantou County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanHotel Del Lago


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101號, Zhongshan Road, 555, Nantou County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 9285 6688
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Latitude: 23.865289, Longitude: 120.912128

kommentar 5

  • Alessandro Giuriato

    Alessandro Giuriato


    Everything very good, place and rooms the top. They have to take more care about the breakfast, it's not at the expected level

  • David Tang

    David Tang


    Nice, clean rooms with a beautiful view of the lake. During the day, it can be a little noisy in the room because of buses on the back side of the building. Good breakfast buffet. Right next to the dock for ferrying across the lake, convenient! Good CP value

  • Pablo Gutiérrez

    Pablo Gutiérrez


    Very nice hotel. They have rooms with a balcony towards the lake with great views. Breakfast also good.

  • Jose Lejin P J

    Jose Lejin P J


    Located near to the Shuishe Ferry Pier of Sun Moon Lake. Nice views.

  • thomas rayen

    thomas rayen


    one of the best place for the price. Actually i booked another hotel and after reaching there i cancelled that hotel because of the pathetic staff, room and service and booked this hotel for almost the same price as the first one. The staffs are super friendly . As soon as the receptionist knew that i have a toddler she upgraded my room to twin. Excellent service, excellent location, super clean and spacious rooms.

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