Hotel Sunshine i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanHotel Sunshine


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75號, Zhonghua 4th Road, 802, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 332 7988
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Latitude: 22.614514, Longitude: 120.301415

kommentar 5

  • KDance Law

    KDance Law


    Reasonable price, good customer service. A lot better than Airbnb.

  • Jerry Kobylt

    Jerry Kobylt


    Clean and nice. Friendly staff. Good place to stay for a short visit with quick access to many activities.

  • Jason Kwok

    Jason Kwok


    Hotel is about 500m from San Duo MRT station. Happy with the room and it's condition. Wifi Internet speed was fast and there is also cable connection, Although Hotel has many facilities like Gym and self laundry, we do not have time to utilize them as we left hotel early in morning and only return late in evening. The only disadvantage is we need to bring our own towels. Hotel staff were sincere and helpful.

  • Axel Schomeecker

    Axel Schomeecker


    Excellent choice in Kaohsiung, big and comfortable room, good breakfast-buffet. Close to Sanduo Shopping District and MRT station with direct links to airport, train station and Zuoying THSR station. Staff speak very limited English, so better make a reservation in advance. Note that this hotel does not have car parking facilities for guests and there is no parking space available in the immediate area around the hotel. If you arrive by your own car you need to find parking space yourself in the neighbourhood which is not easy...

  • Auster Chen

    Auster Chen


    Nice food and comfortable environment. We got shower drain hole blocked t first night we stayed but it was resolved at the morning we out. The room decoration is with Chinese transitional style. It is good for foreign tourists.

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