華宏飯店 i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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243, Jianguo 2nd Road, 807, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 237 5523
internet side: www.hhhotel.com.tw
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Latitude: 22.637475, Longitude: 120.3046689

kommentar 5

  • vin bpb

    vin bpb


    Simple and nice hotel with good location, few mins walk from Kaohsiung Subway and Train Station. Very convenient to take the subway to most of the attractions in Kaohsiung. There are long distance buses terminals nearby ( public and private). To/from other county. eg. Tainan, Taichung, Taipei, Taitung, etc,... Many Chinese restaurants, provision stores, fast food restaurants and shops near the hotel. Some of them are not open when we were there. Room is clean, free toiletries and bottle of drinking water. Room slippers are reusable. I prefer disposal type. There is a water dispenser (hot/cold) at 1st level. Counter staff and cleaner are friendly and helpful. Overall, comfortable stay for two nights. Good value for money.

  • Chris L

    Chris L


    Clean, old hotel nearby the train station.

  • Eugene Wong

    Eugene Wong


    Good price, clean room and convenient location. Recommended.

  • Desmond Hui

    Desmond Hui


    Well located hotel and about 6 minutes walk to metro and train station. Room was clean and comfortable. Nice staff. Good value for money.




    I wanna say a lot of thanks to this hotel. I think this building is old, but rooms are well renovated with sofisticated interior. This hotel has no lundry, dining but if you can walk, there are.

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