ILCH i Tainan City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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704, Taiwan, Tainan City, North District, 北門路二段237巷34弄12號
kontakter telefon: +886 912 911 131
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Latitude: 23.007768, Longitude: 120.214111

kommentar 5

  • zh-Hant



    一個有溫度的地方 老闆很熱情 讓人有種回家的感覺😁 希望還有機會再入住

  • zh-Hant




  • 林柏宇



    很幸運第一次住hostel就住到這麼棒的旅店, 年輕老闆非常熱情健談, 提供了許多私房美食地點與交通指引, 環境乾淨且很有設計感, 重點價格經濟實惠, 是值得再度拜訪的好地方。

  • Selena Nguyen

    Selena Nguyen


    The hostel owner is very kind and friendly, he can also speak English very well. The room is clean and quite new, everything is kept in good condition. The minus point is that the space is quite small and there is no facility for entertainment. However, I think it's good for one who just wants a bed for sleeping. I very highly recommend for you :)

  • Lucy Ting

    Lucy Ting


    Clean, Cheap, Cheerful! If you are like me, who prepares a sleeping bag linen and wants to keep a decent level of cleanliness while traveling, this place is highly recommended!! I found this hostel simply by accident on Google map; I need somewhere close enough to the NCKU campus and with affordable price. I didn't expect much with a mere £12 per night, but the whole experience turn out to be a delight! It was only 10 mins walk away from the campus via a shortcut, and nearby there was a T-bike station where I could ride to the touristy places in 15 mins. The owner was very friendly and approachable. He had a very cool small gadget testing the level of minerals in water and he specifically bought a fancy water filter to keep water quality for his coffee. The room was spotlessly clean! It was off peak days during my stay so I had the room all by myself. The female shared room was at the top of the floor and in the morning the air was especially fresh from the balcony! The owner also offered a kind of no-scented shower gel that is all natural and can be used for face, body and hair. All in all the experience was a definite delight and I highly recommend to budget travellers!

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