Jia's Inn i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanJia's Inn


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128號, Liuhe 2nd Road, 80141, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 288 6888
internet side: www.jiasinn.com.tw
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Latitude: 22.6312299, Longitude: 120.2963039

kommentar 5

  • sean k

    sean k


    Stayed here 3times already, never once disappointed with the stays. Enjoy the facility in the hotel. Simple and clean and easy to operate like the laundry at B1. And best of all LiuHe night Market is just a mere 5min walk ,right before the night market there's a store selling combo BBQ (Ah Dong BBQ)a must TRY!! Will definitely book again in the near future.

  • Marcus Luong

    Marcus Luong


    Good price. Good facilities. Friendly staff. Nice breakfast but could be made better without repeating the options daily.

  • Minhye Lee

    Minhye Lee


    Location was ok: little bit hard to find for the first time visitors, but takes little time to get to subway station, or to downtown, and night market (which was really nice to visit) was super close. Breakfast buffet was free, there were enough options to choose from, and they rotated two menus every day (so same menu was served every other day). The room was nice and clean, a bit of view too, and airconditioning works great. Only downside is that it was saying that the place was smoke free but the room I got was full of tobacco smell.. I could’ve ask to change the room but I was really tired after a long trip with my big luggage so I chose to stick with that room than go back 12floors to the lobby and ask for it..

  • Sarah HUI

    Sarah HUI


    3 bedroom are very good enough for 3 adult. Cheap price n close to 六合夜市。nearby have lots of restuarant n shops. Good service.

  • EDRiC H.

    EDRiC H.


    U gotta give 5 starts in order to get a free Loccitane sample. I don't really like that. Besides it, the overall service and environment is good, you pay what you got. I would recommend it for you if you are wondering about it. :)

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