肯德基KFC-高雄站前餐廳 i Kaohsiung City

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23, Jianguo 3rd Road, 807, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 285 6252
internet side: www.kfcclub.com.tw
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Latitude: 22.6376552, Longitude: 120.3015234

kommentar 5

  • penny sw

    penny sw


    I should give half star if there hv,was very super dissapoited with this kfc will never ever again,yesterday night I was hungry &my hubby show kfc near mrt so we decide to have it then do u know what happening so disgusting place &dont hv any tomato sauce.while we eating hv 2 beggars with smelly cloth &dirty body come to level 2 to sleep over there,that's make me vormit. Please kfc must take action about it,it's was so yuck &hygiene problem. Starting that day i will never eat kfc anymore.

  • en

    Pauline Cheng


    My husband and I never tasted KFC outoside of US and had to stop by and try. It definitely tasted different and offered egg custard instead of biscuit. It has a clean bathroom so another plus for me.

  • chiu benson

    chiu benson


    EGG TART otherwise slow service

  • en

    Wai Keong Chan


    Egg tart is good.

  • en

    ya yaya


    Tastes good but way too expensive. Almost $3USD for a piece of chicken wrapped in a tortilla?! No mashed potatoes and gravy and biscuit that just tastes like bread is not KFC. Where does their chicken come from, AUS/NZ?

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