龍波斯特 龍蝦三明治 / 龍蝦堡 -信義威秀店 Lobster.foods i Taipei City

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Taiwan龍波斯特 龍蝦三明治 / 龍蝦堡 -信義威秀店 Lobster.foods



🕗 åbningstider

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, 松壽路18號1F
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2723 3886
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 25.034981, Longitude: 121.566771

kommentar 5

  • Lam Johnson

    Lam Johnson


    Lobster roll was good, generous in ingredients. Chowder was only average, not much lobster meat inside. It's an outdoor restaurant, atmosphere was good, good place to chill out. Price was on the high side but affrodable.

  • Huang Sophia

    Huang Sophia


    I went to this place on a busy Friday. The service was not ideal, they missed one of my orders.(I did not ask for it further. I didn't mind that much about it! I'm sure if I'd ask, they would kindly provide it.) However, they were really helpful when it comes to picture taking. They even provided props, which was neat. They brought out a live lobster for the photo. It was nice taking a photo with the lobster, but oh poor lobster! The kids next table also had the same thing for photos, but they were hitting the poor lobster... The parents are definitely to blame, but I hoped that the waiters would say something too. The food was okay, I had better ones before, but Taipei is not known for having crazy-good seafood, so I did not mind the quality that much. Yet, this place is a great place to chill and have nice cold beers with friends. The location is great, and the outdoor environment is awesome. I would come back to this place for beer with friends! I think they have happy hour on week days!

  • Lafayette Hao

    Lafayette Hao


    Kinda if pricy but taste is great. The lobster is fresh and the seat area is comfort.

  • Guglielmo Bertani

    Guglielmo Bertani


    Lobster roll was ok. Enjoyed looking at the live lobster...

  • Clive Low

    Clive Low


    Nice place, good food and affordable price.

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