Meichilai i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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161, Shiquan 1st Road, 807, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 321 0663
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Latitude: 22.644834, Longitude: 120.309411

kommentar 5

  • Justin Werner

    Justin Werner


    It's fine to watch the movies, but the environment is so so.

  • Amy Ng

    Amy Ng


    Great place for movies. I purchased the memership for this place, it expires in one year, but the discount on 2 tickets is already more than the membership fee, so it's a really good deal!

  • Scott McCue

    Scott McCue


    Comfy seats and reasonable prices. No competition for movie theaters in Northern Kaohsiung.

  • en

    Tim Ross


    A VIP card here costs NT100 per year but it lowers the ticket price from NT240 to NT180, so after two movies, you have already scored. A lot of English speaking staff to help out. The popcorn/sodas are much cheaper than the usual price and if you don’t want that, you can bring in any food you want to eat.

  • en

    Lukaku Mao


    Nice movie theater. You can watch a good Asian movie, often with English subtitles which is very convenient if you don't know mandarin ☺️ and after couple visits I got VIP discount even though I didn't have the card!

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