Miniatures Museum of Taiwan i Taipei City

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TaiwanMiniatures Museum of Taiwan



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96, Section 1, Jianguo North Road, 10491, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2515 0583
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Latitude: 25.0503431, Longitude: 121.536144

kommentar 5

  • Magui Joanidis

    Magui Joanidis


    MUST VISIT!!! We spent a whole hour here looking at all the detailed miniature rooms. We didn't even think a miniature museum could be this fun! The details are marvelous. It was our first timw in a miniature museum, and we loved it. I don't know why it's not in every Taipei what to do guide.

  • en

    Chris X


    Nice place to see for adults and for kids. Some small-scale buildings or interior decorations are amazing. Worth a visit!

  • Jason McHugh

    Jason McHugh


    This museum was pretty cool. Different miniature setups from people around the world, showing both familiar scenes as well as originals. The level of detail on the miniature set ups is amazing.

  • Emilia Nieminen

    Emilia Nieminen


    Huge museum with vast exhibition of large dioramas and doll houses. The gift shop itself is worth the visit if you like dollhouse miniatures. One of the best destinations in Taipei.

  • John Rice

    John Rice


    Such a fun experience! My wife loves all things miniature and this museum couldn’t have been more perfect for her interests. We spent about two hours looking at all the displays and reading the signage (mostly in English). There were displays featuring various houses, some Disney movies, and some historic buildings, so it felt fresh throughout the museum. If you like this kind of art, this is a good stop to make.

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