Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport i Taoyuan City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanNovotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport



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1-1, Hangzhan South Road, 33758, Taoyuan City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 398 0888
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0687821, Longitude: 121.221382

kommentar 5

  • Suzie



    It was very pleasurable and friendly around the lounge. Even my children enjoyed the simple snacks the lounge offered! We also ordered some noodle from the room service menu. There was a view of the airport yet very quiet :) Thanks so much!!!

  • David Matheson

    David Matheson


    I love staying here. Nice, clean rooms. Fairly comfortable needs by Asian standards. But the best thing is the food! The budgets are great! Lots to choose from and always fresh. I love the red potatoes at breakfast. Lots of Asian or European or American options.

  • Mathias Wallner-Haas

    Mathias Wallner-Haas


    Very nice hotel with wonderful and attentive staff. From check-in, exchanging money and checkout - everything was well organized. Breakfast had great variety in the restaurant. The suite was quite big and at the executive floor close to the lounge, which was nice to have a drink at the evening but the breakfast choices are limited, so I'd go the restaurant always unless you prefer the less busy setting and the great view from the lounge. The hotel offers a shuttle service to/from the airport. There is also a metro station right next to it to easily get into to City. The Metro only accepts cash (no credit cards).

  • Kyne Lim

    Kyne Lim


    Staff are friendly and responsive. Good location with frequent shuttle bus service to the airport. Room interior design is not so good. Many sharp table edges I beware if u have children. Flexible led lights on both sides of the bed but it doesn't stay in the position u want. Soap holder is not level so whatever you put may slide off.

  • en

    Chris K


    Don't worry about the star rating you currently see. They have an actual plaque outside their hotel saying it's 5 Stars. Hands down the best hotel my mother and I stayed before our flight back home to Canada. Out of all the hotels we stayed during our two month vacation, Novotel exceeded all expectations. Service was always 100%. They had a really good breakfast buffet with so many options. Gorgeous foyer. The room was decent as well. Housekeeping was very friendly. Would stay here again if I had the chance.

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