Schokolake Country House Miaoli County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanSchokolake Country House



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49-2, 富興村水尾坪, 364, Miaoli County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 799 6916
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.449146, Longitude: 120.877594

kommentar 5

  • Emily Lowe

    Emily Lowe


    An interesting destination showing an unexpected side of Taiwan, as Schokolake is a chocolate-themed manor, the one and only in the island country, in fact. Visitors can participate in chocolate-making workshops, as well as enjoy chocolatey dishes and desserts at the restaurant. The B&B looks inviting and inspiring, surrounded by lush and well-manicured garden, like an English countryside estate.

  • YS Lin

    YS Lin


    chocolate is good.

  • Top Loader

    Top Loader


    Chocolate DIY not available for reservation, reached here at 9:30am but they don't let to register , DIY starts at 10:30am, on 10am they told us already full, need wait for next session. What the?

  • Avelynn Avieth

    Avelynn Avieth


    A interesting place to explore after you visit the strawberry farm. Their Bean to Bar have two brew, strawberry or honey brew beer. While they are so speciality in their coco drink. You can try out their hot coco drink here. My kids love to run around here and feeding the ducks and fishes in the small pond. Their bear figures super cute. ❤️

  • H.C Pete

    H.C Pete


    Service: Normal Dish: Normal Environment: Good Other: When holiday coming, this place will be very crowded.

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