莎多堡奇幻旅館 i Taipei City

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75, Jingye 2nd Road, 10466, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 8502 7585
internet side: www.sato-castle.com
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Latitude: 25.082403, Longitude: 121.554265

kommentar 5

  • Avlynn Chong

    Avlynn Chong


    Gotten the toronto emperor Used all the amenities jacuzzi. Steam bath/ own spa Will come again next time. Introduced to couple's that need romantic gateaway. I will recommend this sato castel hotel. Keep up the good work taiwan 😍

  • 李富祥



    Service sucks. They will always tell you the expensive(king) rooms which are available first. But in the end if you want just want a affordable room(castle) , they will be very unwilling to tell you and you will spend tons of time to find out with room you want. They should have a open menu shows which rooms are available. Really wasting time!

  • Woon Ching Lai, Emily

    Woon Ching Lai, Emily


    Around 5 minutes walking distance from train station. Dissatisfied with the late check-in time on 6PM, whereby we got lesser time to enjoy the beautiful room. Breakfast is normal, its just can eat. Foods choice is so limited, didn't hit up like 5 stars. Room tv got wide choice of movies; music selection is limited; access to iqiyi is limited (yourself need to have vip account to watch more); wide TV. Bed is super comfortable. Bathroom is big and enjoyable.

  • Nelson Fooseng Lai

    Nelson Fooseng Lai


    Our rooms (Cinderella) is huge. Around 6700 TWD/night. It is worth it for us, as I am the people that is looking for unique experiences. However, given what I know now that I have stayed there, I would rather booked & provide instruction along with my booking. I will move to a different room everynight. The Yu's room (Chinese Theme - See picture), Chanel No 5, The Matrix are few more of the rooms that I would stay if I could redo my stay. If you didn't specify which room you want before you made the reservations, they can't force other confirm booking and give you what you want. We had the opportunity to move into Yu Room for 1 night, but felt it is too much of a hassle to move just for one night, hence, we stayed at Cinderella room for all 4 nights.

  • Sagja Weilduskannst

    Sagja Weilduskannst


    What a cool hotel... Theme rooms are amazing... We had 212 and 512... Each for 2 nights... My girl wanted to see more than just one room and it was possible... Great job, thank you... Rooms are clean and big enough... Access with car or taxi possible directly in front of the rooms... Breakfast is good... Totally recommend Sato Castle

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