首學大飯店 (Tainan First Hotel) i Tainan City

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Taiwan首學大飯店 (Tainan First Hotel)


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148, Kangle Street, 700, Tainan City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 223 8999
internet side: www.kangle-hotel.com.tw
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Latitude: 22.994793, Longitude: 120.195052

kommentar 5

  • en

    chrinne x


    good services great snacks nearby delicious breakfast provided

  • en

    siswanto sundoyo



  • Nathan Ng

    Nathan Ng


    + Cheap rooms + surrounded by convenience stores + self service laundry area at the top floor (8th) - We booked a quad room and a double room. Was given rooms on the 7th floor. Very noisy at night when something like a generator kicks in. hard to sleep. - Rooms were old and dusty, as if no one had stayed in the rooms for a long time. The rooms had seen better days. - receptionist was not friendly; not on par with the rest of our Taiwan experience - location is not very central - not much was offered for breakfast contrary to some of the reviews here. Better to eat out coz there are many options here.

  • Margaret Kho

    Margaret Kho


    Had a comfortable stay, the breakfast buffet was also good with a lot of options.

  • Chelsea Clements

    Chelsea Clements


    Our hotel room started off with leaky air-conditioning that made a rather big puddle in our room. Then, after we came back from dinner we found that the desk next to the TV was crawling with ants. A lot of ants. It was extremely disgusting made us extremely paranoid of other parts of the room. The concerige couldn't switch our room due to the hotel being full and suggested someone come take a look. The man who came had a very bad attitude and told us he could only spray bug repellent or give us back our money and we go look for a new hotel (this was at 10pm). There was no way we could spray bug repellent as we would have to open the windows and other bugs might come plus it was about 33 degrees outside. This whole experience has been extremely infuriating and we strongly don't recommend coming here to stay both because of the room and the horrible service.

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