雙城美式餐廳 (Uptowner) i Taichung City

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Taiwan雙城美式餐廳 (Uptowner)



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1, Lane 480, Huamei Street, 407, Taichung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 2326 0429
internet side: uptowner.com.tw
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 24.155377, Longitude: 120.660576

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kathleen Cantin


    Honest food. A diner is a diner is a diner. The price is right and the atmosphere high for a late Saturday brunch.

  • Roxanne Fourie

    Roxanne Fourie


    Great burgers and cocktails. Reasonably priced and so delicious. Service is great. The staff really take an interest in their customers which really makes the experience all that more great. Would recommend this spot anytime, to anyone....LOVE IT!

  • en

    Mich Las


    Large portion sizes and a tasty burger. Price is reasonable and I would go back again when back in Taichung

  • Garrett Shubert

    Garrett Shubert


    One of my favorite restaurants in Taichung! A great spot for American diner style food. Always sports on the TV. The waitstaff is good about refilling your drinks and checking on you. Everyone can speak English, so that is one less worry. The burgers are good, the Bloody Marys are almost a meal of their own. Great happy hour prices and always bustling with people.

  • Will Travel 4 Food

    Will Travel 4 Food


    American Restaurant - Great for a brunch, with an authentic vibe of an American Style Diner. The food portions are very satisfying, even if the quality of the dishes were average (greasy and salty). They do offer great burgers!

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