Starbucks Hsinchu County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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316, East Section 1, Guangming 6th Road, 302, Hsinchu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 550 4218
internet side:
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Latitude: 24.8196848, Longitude: 121.0277805

kommentar 5

  • Peter DeBrass

    Peter DeBrass


    Super easy to access Starbucks when you're staying at the Sheraton hotel. It even has a second floor and free WiFi (you need a Taiwanese number though). Staff is friendly, but not all speak English, so be patient. The biggest one for me is that the menu items are different, like they are in most Asian Starbucks, but I really missed my Chai Tea Latte, and an Early Grey Latte isn't nowhere near the same. Still it's Starbucks so if you drink coffee you know what you get.

  • Joaine Jan Marquez

    Joaine Jan Marquez


    Very comfortable ambience. An ideal place to work or study since they have spacious tables, ample lighting and outlets for charging devices.

  • Jerry DeMoss

    Jerry DeMoss


    Courteous staff and fast service made it a great place to relax after dinner.

  • Jason Chien

    Jason Chien


    One of smallest Starbucks shop ever visited. The taste is average, yet highly recommended the owner should be careful to the smell in the store. There is a hard to described weird smell when get in the store. Maybe because it’s small close area, so every smell vent inside mixed and finally come out the not so good smell. Seats are limited, but some comfortable sofa are nice. Parking is very convenient with a large space beside it around 30 m away.

  • 陳桑雄



    An easy and relax place to have a cup of soft drink with friend or business discussion

nærmeste Cafe

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