Taipei Marriott Hotel i 台北市

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TaiwanTaipei Marriott Hotel


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199, 樂群二路, 104, 台北市, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 8502 9999
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Latitude: 25.0808123, Longitude: 121.559356

kommentar 5

  • Louis Gremeaux

    Louis Gremeaux


    Very nice hotel. Nice view of 191 tower. Nice food on top floor. Nice steaks. They have a wine menu with one glass per dish.

  • en

    caramoan islands 2018 javier


    I will just say wow. Its a very nice place.

  • en

    Andrew Goh


    One of the best in its class in Taipei city. Usually you will find cramped and small space room in Taipei. This one is great and new. Located slightly further from Taipei city and have very nice reception and bar. Lovely place and friendly staff. Good location especially not along the busy street but closer to the national museum !

  • en

    Richard Gates


    Outstanding hotel in every way. The staff go far above and beyond in every way, and the amenities are exceptional. The location is 5 minutes from the brown line subway (Jiannan Road station). The is a major shopping center 2 minutes away with a full department store, and a Ferris Wheel on the roof (Miramar). Highly recommend.

  • Moses Kim

    Moses Kim


    Tuis places is sooooo good to stay when you come to Taiwan. A bit farfrom main downtown or shopping centers, but so thay you can enjoy calmness :) A MRT station and bus stops are near in 5 minutes walk diatance, so you can go everywhere without any problem. I super strongly recommend this hotel for your happy trip lol

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