Taipei Zoo Station i Taipei City

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TaiwanTaipei Zoo Station



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8, Section 2, Xinguang Road, 116, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886
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Latitude: 24.9960247, Longitude: 121.5762944

kommentar 5

  • en

    Benedict Uy


    We used this station to get on the gondola to Maokong. We went through using the Taipei day pass with the gondola. We went up on the eyes of Maokong gondola, which had a glass floor. It was interesting heading up the mountain with all the greenery below you. After passing a few stations we ended up at the Maokong Station at the top. The Zhinan temple stop before the top is a good one to look around if you have the time.

  • Brett Gottfried

    Brett Gottfried


    The carts are clean and the ride is smooth. It is amazing to zoom several hundred feet above the jungle while looking out at the city. Just a great spectical. You can choose between a "crystal" cart or a regular, the difference is the crystal carts have a see through floor. Definitely get one of these if you can. However, the weight limit is less so if you have a large group or family you might have to take a regular cart. Tickets are purchased as a one way and you can use your metro ez card if you have one.

  • Guillaume Becker

    Guillaume Becker


    Pricy! (100 TW$ to reach the last station) and you have to wait a long time. (I don't know why, normally if they put people in each car it's continuous, but they don't put people in each car...). The view of course is nice and it's funny if you take a car with a glass floor.

  • 柯佑明



    Maokong Gondola was originally built as a means to encourage tourists to learn about Taiwan teas and bring commerce to a much neglected and rural section of South Western Taipei. It definitely succeeded in both. The gondola provides awesome views of New Taipei City, and if it's a clear day (which is and isn't often), you can actually see views of Taipei City. Taipei 101 is pretty visible even through overcast skies. Once you get to the top, take in the views at one of the local tea cafes, where they also serve tea infused meals, or desserts if you aren't hungry. You can hike up to the top gondola area if you know the routes to take, or from any of the other way stations on the way there. If you're afraid of heights, skip the glass bottom experience. It also makes no sense to pay extra at night. You can use Easypass, and it does cost more than your MRT ride, but it is kind of a once in a lifetime experience.

  • Daren Tod

    Daren Tod


    Long cable car ride into the lush mountains. Amazing views and suprisingly cheap. Nice woodland walks at the top and lots of tea related stuff. Bring mosquito repellent.

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