Taiyi Milk King i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanTaiyi Milk King



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82, Section 3, Xinsheng South Road, 106, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2363 4341
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Latitude: 25.0189484, Longitude: 121.5335408

kommentar 5

  • Kathy Ownby

    Kathy Ownby


    One of my favorite places to get strawberry ice in the winter and mango ice in the summer. Known by locals and uni students, not flashy like many of the shops that cater to tourists. It’s a good bowl with fresh ingredients at a reasonable price.

  • Hui Tzu Huang

    Hui Tzu Huang


    Green soybean milk shake really good!!!! But you can ask them to add half amount of sugar otherwise you need to become sweet tooth to resist that😂

  • Nick Lee

    Nick Lee


    REALLY generous portions for a VERY good price! I must've paid less than 400 for two giant bowls of shave ice! Best part were the mochi balls, where they were an amazing texture and very chewy, hands down the best I ever had!

  • Garrett Shubert

    Garrett Shubert


    A cool and good place to enjoy traditional Taiwanese treats and desserts. You can get a bowl of shaved ice with many different toppings, or you can get a bowl of taoyuan. I went in the winter, so my friends and I got warm taoyuan. I look forward to going back again in the summer and trying some of the shaved ice.

  • Nicholson Honggo

    Nicholson Honggo


    When it's summer and the weather is hot, you may want to eat or drink cold dessert to freshen yourself, then it's a good place to grab some ice. When it's winter and cold, you may want to find any hot or warm dessert to eat, then its 湯圓 is also very good. No time limit here, so if you bring friends to eat dessert together here you can have a lot of conversation without bothering whether other customers are waiting for your seat to sit on. However, there's no accessible wifi here, and even worse, the signal is always bad inside

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