The Landis Taichung i Taichung City

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TaiwanThe Landis Taichung


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532, Yingcai Road, 403, Taichung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 2303 1234
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Latitude: 24.149939, Longitude: 120.66518

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rayray C


    Hotel service is very good & the staff are very helpful. The hotel locates at a best area with lots of nice activities. A great hotel to stay in Taichung

  • Anthony Coronado

    Anthony Coronado


    I loved it here. They knew my name when I walked in. Hotel is on the top half of the building. Great views of Taichung. Good breakfast buffet. Several parks all around the hotel are nice for a stroll at night when it cools down. Shopping malls, restaurants, and bars are all within walking distance.

  • en

    vkn ishier


    Rooms - good. Service - Very good. Facilities - limited. Food - sumptious Breakfast. Other meals, limited options, non for vegetarians or vegan Plenty of eateries close by, more reasonably priced Let me share my dinner experience - Went to their top end restaurant for dinner. Sea food soup served at room temperature Asked for some more Bread and butter, it came - just before dessert Entrees were passable Main course excellent I had pointed out to the server that portions of my seafood soup were undercooked and not chewable, they served me a complimentary dish of sauted Vegetables. Nice Salmon main course was one of the best I've eaten and made up for the earlier... Desserts are okay Of course the cake is served after you finish your coffee. Not before and not with And they give you a beautiful long stemmed rose to gift your partner Btw at the Buffet, the price of the meal is according to the main course you order. No buffet without a main course. Find that a little odd Very nice location, saw a few more nearby. More economically priced

  • Andrea Julia

    Andrea Julia


    I loved this hotel, every bit of it!!!! The kindness of the staff, the perfect cleaning service, the view, the bed, the breakfast and most of all the amazing bathtub. Great job!

  • en



    Located near a few parks and art museums, and a small department store ("small" being 13 Floors). The hotel is clean and fresh. It has a modern appeal. I found the rooms very comfortable and stylish. I have only been to breakfast, but the offering covers every pallet. Service was helpful and friendly, no issues there.

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