TheOne南園人文客棧 Hsinchu County, TW

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32號, 九芎湖, 305, Hsinchu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 589 0011
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Latitude: 24.8680076, Longitude: 121.1042522

kommentar 5

  • Diane Shen

    Diane Shen


    Visited for the 4th time. Classic architecture, gourmet with delicate taste. Calm and pleasant.

  • Greg Lee

    Greg Lee


    Great place to pay a lil visit during the holidays, although the admission is quite luxurious. Nice chinese cuisine by western style of serving. The entire campus is beautiful; full of ponds, trees, and flowers. The main hall is highly decorated with exquisite techniques; such a great work of the skill work of the carpenters had. Not hard to see how wealthy the owner was.

  • Tony Chang

    Tony Chang


    Authentic Chinese style architecture, food, and service by a professional, courteous and knowledgeable team. Several options available including day tour, afternoon tea and all inclusive accommodation. Booking required on their website necessary. Well worth every dollar and minute. Highly recommended and will return.

  • Iwan Setyawan

    Iwan Setyawan


    Beautiful place. Too bad during my visit it was raining and cold. Another minus point is the fact that the guides only speak Mandarin, and not English. The place is rich in history and philosophy, but non Chinese speakers are out of luck since they won't be able to understand anything the guides say.

  • Xiang Fang

    Xiang Fang


    I could give it six stars. Surprise to find such an enjoyable vacation place: it is Chinese 江南 style, but in the mountain area in Taiwan. The service is very satisfactory. The food menu is carefully designed. Definitely will visit again in the future.

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