萬代福影城 i Taichung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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38號, Gongyuan Road, 400, Taichung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 2221 0356
internet side: www.wdful.com.tw
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Latitude: 24.1464709, Longitude: 120.6802198

kommentar 5

  • Garrett Shubert

    Garrett Shubert


    A great movie theater! Inexpensive popcorn, drinks, and snacks outside. Every movie is 50NTD, but for 1,000NTD you can buy a movie pass worth 25 movies (40NTD per movie). There are bathrooms inside the theater at the bottom of the stairs, so you can still hear the movie if you need to use the restroom. Assigned seats, so be sure to tell the theater employee what seat you want when you buy the ticket. Often plays indie films from around the world.

  • en

    Nau Peongsi


    The movie here is very good

  • Alvin Lee

    Alvin Lee


    Cheap, environment ok

  • John Toth

    John Toth


    Classic location. Plays American movies. Snacks and tickets are cheap.

  • Fer Galicia

    Fer Galicia


    I like to bring my kid here, is ok, just huge lines to get a ticket. Drinks and popcorn are cheap and is good to have food vendors close.

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