Xiangshan (Elephant Mountain) i Taipei City

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TaiwanXiangshan (Elephant Mountain)


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31, 信義路五段150巷401弄, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2723 9777
internet side: xydo.gov.taipei
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Latitude: 25.0263587, Longitude: 121.575457

kommentar 5




    Night view is great, daytime view is good just be careful of the insects! Stairs are well lit at night, most of the path at least. Take a drink with you, it’s a tough hike if you are not in term with cardio. You can rest along the path. There are two viewing spots, one almost midway and the other is at the top. Might as well get to the top since you made it all the way there. Both are equally pretty but maybe the one at the top has wider view.

  • en

    Isabelle K


    Love this hike! It takes about 15-20min to hike up the peak. No need to wear full on hiking gear as I managed with my sandals. Amazing view and there are a bunch of spots to take that pic.

  • Jessa Esmeralda

    Jessa Esmeralda


    Hiking was definitely worth the view! I’d definitely come here again to improve my cardio haha. Bring some water with you and get ready for a nice hike. It took about 30 minutes, obviously shorter if you don’t take as many breaks as I did. It gets cooler in temp up there so bring a sweater if you’re going up during colder seasons.

  • Michelle Morales

    Michelle Morales


    At the top, we got the best view of Taipei. The hike was relatively easy and fast. There were also a lot of places for picture taking. When we went there, aside from us foreigners, we also saw local photographers taking shots of the city. We went in the afternoon, nearing sunset time.

  • Kevin K.

    Kevin K.


    Probably the best view you can get in Taipei. Better spend some energy on those stairs instead of spending money on that elevator in Taipei 101. There will be plenty of people during sunset. But it's still not too crowded, since plenty of tourists give up at the first location. Go all the way up to the rocks and you'll meet dozens of amateur photographers fighting to get that same picture. Still, I also took part in this battle of Elephant Mountain. It was fun.

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