伊索拉咖啡館ISOLA COFFEE Penghu County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Taiwan伊索拉咖啡館ISOLA COFFEE



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2, Zhongxing Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 938 193 119
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 23.566444, Longitude: 119.568437

kommentar 5

  • Wan-Chi Chen

    Wan-Chi Chen


    Nice service and coffee

  • hawbash muradi

    hawbash muradi


    Nice place! Good Coffee!

  • Ta-Hui Yang

    Ta-Hui Yang


    Great coffee, cozy comfortable environment

  • Scott Ng

    Scott Ng


    A small specialty coffee cafe at a street corner. The ambience is classy and cozy in the evening. Coffee selection is the best in the whole of Peng Hu County. The boss knows the coffee very well and can recommend you based on your liking. All coffee are hand poured and the taste is excellent. So far the best specialty coffee place in the area. Recommended time to visit is in the evening when it's less crowded and you can chat with the boss and the locals inside over a delicious cup of coffee. Even got a free side dish as the locals are very friendly and nice. Ordered a Honduras and a Mandheling. Both taste exquisite.

  • Claudia Degen

    Claudia Degen


    I had a really nice and well balanced cappuccino at Isola coffee

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