Amba Taipei Songshan i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanAmba Taipei Songshan


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8號, Section 7, Civic Boulevard, 115, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2653 2828
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Latitude: 25.0492532, Longitude: 121.5802685

kommentar 5

  • en

    PHUA Johnny


    Very friendly & courteous frontdesk staff. Room service is fast and staff very polite. Value for money. Many choice of foods for breakfast.

  • en

    Piotr C


    I stayed there for a month and loved the place. Clean and modern interior, more European/Scandinavian than Asian style. Excellent service and good quality breakfast. Convenient location. The only issue I had was with the taxi service to the airport they offered. Unlike requested it did not accept cards and I had to search ATM and withdraw 2000 instead of 1200. You better use Uber in Taipei. Yellow cabs stink like ashtrays and barely accept cards.

  • Carl Bachmann

    Carl Bachmann


    I had to travel to Taipei for business on my birthday. The hotel staff personally greeted me and wished me a happy birthday, there was a banner in my room when I came back from the office and slice of birthday cake was in the fridge. Very thoughtful gesture. Also the hotel is new, modern and clean, great views and the location is conveniently located next to the MRT, a big night market, close to the river and other great stuff. Will be staying here next time I’m in Taipei.

  • Ingrid Elvir Oyuela

    Ingrid Elvir Oyuela


    Very clean, comfortable beds. Nice view (if you get the 101 view room). Available and English speaking staff 24/7. My only comments for improvement are regarding the buffet (which offers more Asian than western options), and the fitness and wellness area. I know they are a partnered hotel from Ambassador Hotel, so maybe they could improve their entertainment area with a swimming pool or any spa areas.

  • Henry Chan

    Henry Chan


    Spent a couple of nights here. The location is convenient, right next to the Songshan Station. Hotel staff is super friendly. The entire hotel is nicely designed. It’s not upscale but it has a nice boutique/designer hotel vibe. The details and materials used are beautifully designed and executed. The mosaic floor tiles and Chinese style terrazzo floors are on point. I love the high ceilings, especially on the lobby/lounge floor. The rooms are spacious, and the views are amazing on all sides. This is a great hotel for business or traveling with friends and family.

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