Beer in Vogue 潮玩啤精釀啤酒專賣店 i Tainan City

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TaiwanBeer in Vogue 潮玩啤精釀啤酒專賣店



🕗 åbningstider

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, 裕農路13號
kontakter telefon: +886 6 209 2695
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.9849045, Longitude: 120.2243373

kommentar 5

  • Yang Liang

    Yang Liang


    Great place for American and European beers. I especially liked their beers on tap. The prices for bottles and cans are a little pricier than in the United States. But I guess that's to be expected since they're imported to Taiwan. I liked the beers on tap better than the can beers. Also, I wouldn't recommend the Taiwan craft beers as much as the ones on tap or American craft beers. I'm an IPA fan, and brew myself. I can't say I've had a Taiwan or Japanese IPA that tastes better than mine. They're either too unrefined or not hoppy enough. I had a Vietnamese IPA on tap that tasted fabulous. Next time, I'll bring my own growler to take home. No growlers for sale at this place.

  • Keili Gunden

    Keili Gunden


    More beers than you can shake a stick at! And very reasonable prices for craft beers and imports.

  • 黃惇翔




  • Jagat Rathod

    Jagat Rathod


    Must try! Amazing beer varieties but expensive on pocket for frequent visits. Second floor Interiors need some workout and need one more AirCondition! Cheers!

  • en

    Manasvi Chawda


    The place is new and fresh and a great place to have nice cold beer. A little on the expensive side but the beer is very good

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