Carrefour i Taoyuan City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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450號, Section 1, Zhonghua Road, 320, Taoyuan City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 80 055 5699
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Latitude: 24.9724254, Longitude: 121.2536774

kommentar 5

  • Peter Bajorek

    Peter Bajorek


    There were the good times- When Frank's Red Hot became a regular stock item; when I wanted refried beans for tacos and there it was; when I thought I loved Clark candy bars and then they went on discount. There were bad times- when they didn't restock the Kraft Macaroni and Cheese; when I thought I loved Clark bars and bought them only to realize later they are no substitute for Butterfinger bars. But the best times must be coming- only weeks ago my vision blurred as my gaze fell upon an American breakfast standard... Pop-Tarts! They were strawberry and chocolate but bravo for the effort. Please stock cherry flavored next time. 10 boxes of strawberry is not right or enough. If Wellcome can random-stock Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Fudge Core, Carrefour should be able to do cherry Pop-Tarts. BTW, no ranch dressing but there was bleu cheese last time I checked.

  • Trixia Marie Perocho

    Trixia Marie Perocho


    there are lots of fashion apparel and delicious foods

  • Huynh Tuyet Bang

    Huynh Tuyet Bang


    It is a considerable supply chain in Taiwan for both wholesale and retail market, the price is quite good but this's certainly not the cheapest market in Taiwan

  • Gilang Baswara

    Gilang Baswara


    Carrefour this supermarket is in a shopping center with various kinds of restaurants starting from McDonald's, Starbucks, etc. Besides that there is a sports shop in front of this shop, Decathlon. When weekends this supermarket is full of customers. But Carrefour's arrangement at Zhongbei Road is less organized and seems crowded

  • Trung Kiên Đặng

    Trung Kiên Đặng


    such a big mall. easy parking, many goods to buy, good sale policy, regularly have discount. maybe a little bit expensive than RT~Mart in Taiwan, but it is acceptable as of variety products at secure quality. Anyway, i hope to see more green colour outside and inside the building. it makes more natural friendly. In addition, only few restaurant there, so dont be expect much about a big food court there.

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