Cheogajip Korean Fried Chicken i Taipei City

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TaiwanCheogajip Korean Fried Chicken



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26, Lane 290, Guangfu South Road, 106, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2773 0737
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Latitude: 25.039489, Longitude: 121.556594

kommentar 5

  • S K

    S K


    Better come on weekday (they're super crowed on weekend)

  • Eric KHUN

    Eric KHUN


    Really good fried chicken!! Went there at 9pm, we were the only persons it was slow to come but worth the wait. Crispy and tasty

  • Kaden Lee

    Kaden Lee


    Really delicious fried chicken with affordable price! Young crowds mostly. Be prepared for a wait. No reservations, takes cards.

  • Hollie Lin

    Hollie Lin


    I had a 經典洋釀 takeout and it was terrible. The fried chicken was so wet and tastes like normal sweet and sour chicken from American style Chinese food restaurant.

  • alicia chun

    alicia chun


    Not good for large groups because this place is usually crowded. Came here as a group of 4 and we waited 20 minutes for seats. Ordered, food took nearly an hour to come (restaurant was not completely full). The original and spicy flavors are good, green onion chicken is a miss. For the half/half plates, one of the flavors HAS to be original chicken, other other flavor can be any you choose that is part of the half/half deal. Garlic chicken is not part of the half/half deal.

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