Chin Chin Cinema i Taichung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanChin Chin Cinema


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14號, Beitun Road, 404, Taichung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 2231 9111
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Latitude: 24.160239, Longitude: 120.6920089

kommentar 5

  • Robin Ripley

    Robin Ripley


    Simple. $50 for popcorn makes the whole movie experience much cheaper than bigger, better theatres

  • Jason Hideaki Nakayama

    Jason Hideaki Nakayama


    Good quality screening experience at a really good price if you have the VIP card. Easy application and cheap fee on the VIP Card.

  • Rebecca JJ Candy

    Rebecca JJ Candy


    Not much waiting seats, chin chin has a cheaper price tho.

  • Emi Ch

    Emi Ch


    Home theater, this how best described my experience. Please note the screen location I went to was in the basement, so upstairs might be better. The seats: Old and lumpy, not the worst, but for 2 hours, it does get uncomfortable. Screen: feel like an 72" TV, exactly how big? I don't know, but it was Small. I was sitting in the 3rd roll and don't feel a bite that I was too close at all. Projector: BARCO so not bad, world top brand. Sounds: it was digital but without the pop feeling. Overall I won't go back again, for the same price I rather go to Sunrise theater, with better seats screen and sounds.

  • Brother B

    Brother B


    Theatre is under active renovation. However, the state of the few currently operating screens and theatre is so low I left shortly after buying a ticket and seeing the current state. Once the work is completed, given the location's potential it should be a nice theatre. Sadly I am judging by my experience of this visit.

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