chochoco巧克力專賣(美術店) i Taichung City

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122, Section 1, Wuquan West Road, 403, Taichung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 2375 4848
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Latitude: 24.1403051, Longitude: 120.6607611

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fabrice Lai Tham


    Went there on Valentine's day to get a box of assorted chocolate. Of course it was crowded, but this is exactly when the service staff should prove its skills. The service was a total mess with obviously inexperienced waiters serving the first to talk to them, instead of managing the customers in queue and stop people from cutting the line. Moreover, they said to have only one product to sell, yet service was so slow. On the products side, the usual products were exposed with their Valentine's special box of 9 heart shaped chocolates (3 white, 3 milk, 3 dark) more expensive than the assorted 16 chocolates box, but the waiters kept telling customers only the Valentine's box was available. But while waiting for my turn one customer cut the line in front of me and ask a trainee the 16chocolate box and was served. The next waiter first stealthy told the trainee not to sell anything else than Valentine's chocolate and finally came to me after clearly seeing I've been waiting for 20mins started getting annoyed from all the people who cut the line. I asked the same 16 chocolate box than the customer before me, and was denied because "only the Valentine's special box is available, the rest is sold out". They were so obviously bullsh*tting me, and trying to get ride of their BS Valentine's chocolate, I just left and found another shop. Unforgivable. *Edit: My gf bought me a box of chocolate collection (Belgian one) which is actually small piece of black chocolate ganache (see photo). It's like eating a piece of hard butter with cocoa powder. I now know why they are cheaper than competitors. Won't ever return again.

  • Ky L

    Ky L


    Desserts Shop - Great Chocolate / Brownie Cake but very overpriced. The macarons are very sweet, so it is sure to tickle a sweet tooth.

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  • Tymoteusz Bryx

    Tymoteusz Bryx


    Amazing chocolate cheesecake. Proper one, not that kind of spongy, dry thing they consider a cake here.

  • en

    Vitus Chieh


    great chocolate! But I miss the lava chocolate cake a lot, not a fan of the banana version

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