Discovery Center of Taipei i Taipei City

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TaiwanDiscovery Center of Taipei



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1, City Hall Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2720 8889#4588
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Latitude: 25.037525, Longitude: 121.563782

kommentar 5

  • Santhosh Venkateswaran

    Santhosh Venkateswaran


    A nice place if you love history. The movie they show about Taipei is one of a kind.

  • Thomas Haggerty

    Thomas Haggerty


    Free museum on 4th floor of Taipei City Hall. Display has a lot of historical background about the city, with English subtitles. There is a 360-degrees movie theater with short (18 minutes) videos about Taipei, also having English subtitles. The theater floor rotates, giving a neat effect.

  • opti-solar



    Great effort from taipei city administration, lovely place to visit and lot of fun for kids too

  • Ero ERuYiO

    Ero ERuYiO


    The centres 3rd and 4th floor were very interesting in portraying Taipeis history through displays and interactive. I highly recommend visiting!!!

  • G Aquino

    G Aquino


    It could very well be Taipei's history museum. It's fascinating to learn about the city's geologic past, its colonial and modern history, the cultural and economic importance of its current districts, and initiatives to make the city more livable. There is a revolving theater showing short films on various aspects of life in Taipei. The exhibits are described in both Chinese and English. Admission is free. Allot at least an hour when visiting. This is one of the few places in the City Hall building that is open on weekends. However, like most museums in the city, it is closed on Mondays.

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