宮賞藝術大飯店 i Kaohsiung City

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237號, Linsen 1st Road, 800, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 239 9888
internet side: www.design-hotel.com.tw
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Latitude: 22.634139, Longitude: 120.304761

kommentar 5

  • a7un juned

    a7un juned


    Located at town, accross seven 11, lobby has no parking lot. Took Superior suite room TWD 2,032 including breakfast. Room is awesome, wide with separated bed and living room, toilet good with bathtub, complete set of bath (comb, shaver, toothbrush, etc.). No smoking room though 😑

  • Nick Chan

    Nick Chan


    Professional service and interesting kid friendly room. Recommend for a 4 person room for family wih kids. Great amenities and good location to transportation and night market.

  • Joey Chan

    Joey Chan


    Spacious room, courteous service, free tea time snacks and cake offered at check-in. Hotel breakfast buffet is fine. A 5~10 minute walk from either the Formosa Boulevard station or the Kaohsiung station, which may be inconvenient, but the overall quality is worth the distance.

  • Allen Leung

    Allen Leung


    Very nice and clean hotel. There's a playroom on the third floor for children to play in with a ball pit, LEGO, books to read, and other activities. There is a snack time between 2pm and 5pm in the lobby where you can help yourself to whatever snacks and candy they have as well as juice and milk tea. Staff is courteous and friendly. Rooms are spacious, clean, and organized, where they have two beds separated at both ends of the room with a mini wall to provide some privacy.

  • YH HS

    YH HS


    Small hotel with big rooms, but poorly designed. Asked for a quiet room, but got a room on 6th floor facing front street (???) At check in, it took 3 staff members 20 minutes to get me checked in. They could not find my booking from a bunch of booking records, spending 15 minutes to find it! I tried to help by asking them politely if their booking forms are in guest name's alphabetical order or by booking number, a girl replied expressionlessly: "we order them randomly" (???) No wonder they could not find it! (This seems to be the hotel SOP, the young couple came after me had the same problem with finding their booking.) Overall, a disappointing experience given some very (surprisingly) good online reviews.

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