Information Desk Nantou County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanInformation Desk



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45, 金天巷, 555, Nantou County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 4 9289 5361
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8689066, Longitude: 120.9472217

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Su

    Matthew Su


    A stop before going into Alishan~ Wide ground to play and bid information center to look around.

  • pham thanh minh

    pham thanh minh


    Garden and service good

  • en

    Felix xia


    Nice garden with simple amusement park for people who grew up in the 60's. The aborigin stuff looks fake. It is an outdoor museum, not interesting to look at.

  • Sy Na

    Sy Na


    It says cultural center but it's really an amusement park. Don't come if your kids are under 6 or above 12. Don't come if you think it's supposed to be a place where you can see Aborigines or past Taiwanese culture. Better off spending your time biking around the lake!

  • astrid prasanto

    astrid prasanto


    If u want to know more about aborigin villager of taiwan this is a great place. Culture, heritage, music, clothes, eats and drinks all gather in one place. There's also theme park for kids

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