麗尊酒店 艾可柏菲自助料理 CERCLE BUFFET i Kaohsiung City

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Taiwan麗尊酒店 艾可柏菲自助料理 CERCLE BUFFET



🕗 åbningstider

105, Wufu 1st Road, 802, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 966 8220
internet side: cb.theleeshotel.com
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Latitude: 22.6271933, Longitude: 120.3137467

kommentar 5

  • Kate Paredes

    Kate Paredes


    I liked their vegetarian offerings. I'm happy to see that they have this category for their buffet breakfast. I only tried breakfast here but their buffet had a decent array of food choices. I liked their salad, and dimsum line too. It gave my day a good start and a happy tummy.

  • 陳建榮



    All-you-can-eat buffet with nice food and good dining environment. Japanese food, Chinese food, Hong Kong dim sum , western cuisine such as steak are served. Fresh juice, soft beverages, coffee and even draft beer are provided. One thing I like this restaurant is that they basically joint the lunch and afternoon tea, so you can enjoy your time from 1130 to 1630!

  • Hongjin Kim

    Hongjin Kim


    Nice place to taste seafood buffet

  • Daniel Neu

    Daniel Neu


    We enjoyed the buffet. The food had a nice variety with a few different types of Asian cuisines. I only took off one star because I wish they'd had more vegetable dishes. Other than that it was very enjoyable.

  • mimicat333



    I highly recommend this restaurant if you want a relaxed get-together with your family or friends. You would have 5 hours from 11:30 to 4:30 to enjoy the food while talking with family or friends. I really think the long hour is the best part about the restaurant! But let's not forget about the great food offered here. One could see the chef's excellence from the seafood mushroom chowder to the lemon cake. They are really the best one can get! I would give 5 star if there was oyster there.

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