Louisa Coffee 路易.莎咖啡(澎湖馬公店) Penghu County, TW

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TaiwanLouisa Coffee 路易.莎咖啡(澎湖馬公店)



🕗 åbningstider

77號, Ren'ai Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 926 0258
internet side: www.louisacoffee.com.tw
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Latitude: 23.5656219, Longitude: 119.564813

kommentar 5

  • Patricia Lam

    Patricia Lam


    the environment is lovely and quiet. excellent food and cafe that l have been the best in the trip. the price is very surprising !

  • Ta-Hui Yang

    Ta-Hui Yang


    I ordered a hand drip yirgachefe, but it does not taste like one.

  • Arlene Hsu

    Arlene Hsu


    Great place for taking a nice break and enjoy some cool air

  • George Hoch

    George Hoch


    Good coffee and okay cakes (are among the cheapest for cakes, so its good for the price), the single origin coffees are really high quality :) staff was not really helpful though and 2nd floor sitting area was closed (1st floor looks good, though, buy it can be loud if full) To get a good yirgacheffe or kenya coffee on the go, a decent option

  • Mandy Wang

    Mandy Wang


    Simple flat white. I like the cute cup. The minus two stars is for the tiny tiny little 10 sqft or 1sq.meter restroom.

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