滿藝廚房 Moon Garden i Taipei City

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Taiwan滿藝廚房 Moon Garden



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7, Section 5, Xinyi Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 8101 6335
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Latitude: 25.0336523, Longitude: 121.5649331

kommentar 5

  • Jak Chwu Chia

    Jak Chwu Chia



  • Chih Peng

    Chih Peng


    The place is quite small but has an excellent view, since it is inside of taipei 101. You need to enter then wait in line, someone will go pick you up. We got coupons for all you can eat breakfast but does not have to be in the morning and you can buy it at gomaji, and need to reserve first. However there is not a lot of options in food. Only few hot food and drinks, mostly are ingredients for salads or sandwiches like cheese, jam etc I was a little bit disappointed that they dont have desserts but they have chocolate m&ms and nutella or peanut butter. But i wish they have milkshakes or natural juice, even thought they have milk and yogurts. I think there are better places for all you can eat, since i think they don’t have a lot of options for breakfast.

  • Sean Chen

    Sean Chen


    seems healthy

  • Jenae Lien

    Jenae Lien


    Organic ingredients made in a simple way. Each dish you try is full of vibrant, real flavors. We went on a night where Beef and Mushrooms must have been a theme. Delicious. And the views make the place even more enjoyable Make a reservation if you wish to eat here. They have different time slots for weekends and weekdays. All meals are buffet style, all you can eat and drink (excluding alcohol. Wine and Beer available.) We went from 5:30 - 7:30. Meet at Ground Level of the Taipei 101 building 30 minutes before your meal time. We met around 5PM, and were early so we took the time to walk around the expensive department store until people started showing up. Look for a sign where all people who made a reservation will meet. An employee will check your reservation names and hand you a ticket. You will all enter at the same time once all people who made a reservation arrive. You will be escorted to the 35th floor. From there, you will form a line and enter the restaurant at promptly 5:30PM. Take your time, enjoy the sunset views and let the crowd get their first plates. Once people settle, the vibes become nice because everyone is happy with getting food. Stay the whole time, you’ll get hungry after the first round to want to eat some more. I liked how they had Nutella and a variety of breads to toast. Unsweetened Iced Tea, Hot Tea and Hot Coffee are plentiful to fill your mugs. Hot milk also served. About 500NT per person, after you add the service charge and tax.

  • Roy Wang

    Roy Wang


    A great affordable place for a healthy and tasty weekend brunch at the 35th floor of Taipei 101!

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