Pizza Rock Jingcheng 精誠店 w Taichung City

TajwanPizza Rock Jingcheng 精誠店



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202, Jingcheng Road, 403, Taichung City, TW Taiwan
kontakt telefon: +886 4 2310 0228
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 24.1512995, Longitude: 120.6550775

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kay C


    Okay pizza; terrible service.

  • Jed San Pietro

    Jed San Pietro


    Pizza Rock is outstanding!! All of the staff is very helpful, especially for an American who only speaks English. I’ve been here twice now and like a previous poster, haven’t taken a pic of the food because it’s so good there’s nothing left by the time I remember to take one. Perfect thin crust, great sauce, cheese and toppings. I keep getting the chorizo with double cheese and it rivals any pizza I’ve had back home. Thank you Pizza Rock!!

  • Amy Chi

    Amy Chi


    Love it. Four cheese all the way! (No pics because pizza always disappears before my phone comes out)

  • Travels 4 Food

    Travels 4 Food


    Pizza Restaurant: The "Yay" - Great taste and value, one of the best pizzas in the city. The "Nay" - Finding parking nearby. Hands down, one of the best pizza chains in Taiwan. High quality, authentic and with ingredients in good quantity. They also offer free delivery for larger orders.

  • Toni Nakashima

    Toni Nakashima


    My family loves Pizza Rock. Not only do we agree that its the best pizza in town, (especially the Canadian bacon and pineapple) but Pizza Rock also has incredible salads and delicious pasta dishes to choose from. They have several locations around town, so you're probably never too far away from a Pizza Rock in Taichung. The restaurants have a nice atmosphere and are comfortable for dining, but I also love that they deliver. For Pizza Rock delivery on weeknights, contact them at least one hour ahead. On the weekends, I suggest calling in your order a few hours in advance and just requesting a later delivery time, because once the delivery schedule is filed up for the night, they will stop taking orders. There is a minimum delivery amount of 800NT, but since Pizza Rock has a lot of great side dishes and drinks to choose from, you'll be able to fill in the gaps pretty easily. And one more thought--if you add a salad to your delivery order, remember to request the salad dressing on the side, to avoid a box of wilted lettuce arriving at your door. :) Overall, I'm just super thankful to have such great pizza available here in Taichung!

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