Renwen Niandai Cafe Hsinchu City, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanRenwen Niandai Cafe



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140號, Beida Road, 300, Hsinchu City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 533 6162
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Latitude: 24.8101496, Longitude: 120.9684891

kommentar 5

  • Joaine Jan Marquez

    Joaine Jan Marquez


    Salted caramel milk tea latte, and pasta with tomato sauce (choice of pork, chicken or seafood) are must try.

  • Kyle Wang

    Kyle Wang


    Spacious and good tasting

  • Chewei Kuo

    Chewei Kuo


    Great place for friend meeting

  • Arthur Huang

    Arthur Huang


    Nice place you just chill for 5, 6 hours, eat lunch, do something, and eat dinner, closes at 1, so good place to stay late. The hazelnut milk needs some improvement, and the pork rice is dry as hell. Everything else is excellent though. Would come again if I visit the city again. Art

  • Lou Chu

    Lou Chu


    Come here for a cup of milk tea, ended up only drinking water. I blame Taiwan's economy recession on this coffee shop, also the fact that I'm single. I only came here to slightly complain, but here comes the whole paragraph that I haven't written since high school. Their "classic" milk tea is diabetes inducer, diabetics punisher, one sip I feel cavity forming on my molar.I should have known when i see a bunch of teens running the kitchen. Oh man I should be working instead of writing this paragraph.Any score less than one, lol.

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