書店喫茶 一二三亭 i Kaohsiung City

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Taiwan書店喫茶 一二三亭



🕗 åbningstider

4號, Guyuan Street, 804, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 531 0330
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 22.6206264, Longitude: 120.2740555

kommentar 5

  • Helen Lam

    Helen Lam


    good surprise! I just love the fact that they make good use of historical place and decorated it in a nice way. Every details in the cafe is adorable. In here you will find nice information booklet about different events and activities. A very hipster and photogenic place! Dun hold your expectations! The food is also good! for photo and your stomach! I had a lovely day with friend chatting in quiet environment! Staffs are also very helpful and nice!

  • Patrick Ng

    Patrick Ng


    Lovely quiet little place with authentic Japanese styled sets. I love the atmosphere and sunlight in addition to the tasty food.

  • Lewis Lau

    Lewis Lau


    Absolutely wonderful place, but very Japanese feel. Exceptional old building with lovely old historical tiles.

  • Cactus Yu

    Cactus Yu


    Both atmosphere and food are good. However, the service still need some improvements. I would recommend to someone who is not in hurry. It would be a nice place to spend the whole afternoon.

  • C Chang

    C Chang


    Very peaceful and cultural. A relaxing place if not too many propel during week days. Coffee is nice and there’s food on the menu as options

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