South Garden Hotels and Resorts i Taoyuan City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanSouth Garden Hotels and Resorts


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8, Shuzi Road, 320, Taoyuan City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 420 2122
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Latitude: 24.967673, Longitude: 121.178182

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Lee

    Kevin Lee


    The swimming pool and spa facilities are very well maintained and clean.

  • Sam Shaw

    Sam Shaw


    They offer variety of group dishes! Unfortunately I was drunk every time attended in the hotel!

  • Toeknee Shoe

    Toeknee Shoe


    Nice venue, banquet food was decent and service was good but could be better. Wait staff should be more proactive in offering to top up juice or asking if another bottle of wine should be opened. The style of the function hall we were in was very modern and artistic.

  • Daisy Lin

    Daisy Lin


    Perfect for a weekend getaway! It is only a short car ride from Taipei but I love coming here with my family for a relaxing weekend. The kids can go swimming, drive little cars in the play area or run around in the big lawn. Adults can relax at the spa. Food is also fantastic, especially the beef noodle soup and soup dumplings. Will be back!

  • Debra Lin

    Debra Lin


    I've stayed at South Garden multiple times in the past few years, and my family just can't get enough! My daughter loves the indoor pool/jet stream area, and my husband and I love that there is hot springs in each hotel room. There is also a children's play area, sauna, gym, and other recreational activities- no shortage of things to do for a weekend getaway. As for the food, my favorite is the Chinese restaurant (beef stew noodles, soup dumplings, scallion pancakes, etc). And the breakfast is also great with a wide variety of choices (vege from their own farm, radish cake, fresh made omelet, etc.) I would definitely recommend this resort to my family and friends!

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